Are you a music community member organization? Offer .MUSIC to your members

What is .MUSIC

.MUSIC provides global music community members with a global music industry standard for their music identity and their official website address: i.e.

Anyone in the global music community can register their unique .MUSIC domain, including artists, creators, bands, groups, industry professionals, music companies and organizations.

.MUSIC differentiates itself from generic domain names, such as .COM, by providing the world's first domain name extension dedicated to music, with enhanced community-tailored policies that ensure that music artists, bands, industry professionals and organizations are able to register a trusted, secure and verified .MUSIC domain branded under their unique identity. All registrants will be verified and be given a blue checkmark verification badge, usually reserved for celebrities on popular social media websites, to ensure authenticity, authoritativeness and trustworthiness while at the same time to eliminate bad actors, such as impersonators or cybersquatters.

The .MUSIC initiative is supported by thousands of music-related entities and the most prominent and recognized organizations with members representing over 95% of music consumed globally. These include international bodies, associations and federations representing the global music community, which include the major labels, the major publishers, music collection societies, digital distributors and many other music communities (See Supporters).

The .MUSIC Mission and Purpose is to benefit the global music community by:

  1. Creating a trusted, safe online haven for music consumption and licensing
  2. Establishing a safe home on the Internet for Music Community members
  3. Protecting intellectual property and fighting piracy
  4. Supporting musiciansʹ welfare, rights and fair compensation
  5. Promoting music and the arts, cultural diversity and music education
  6. Following a multi-stakeholder approach of fair representation of all types of global music constituents, without discrimination, including both commercial and non-commercial entities